Thursday, June 9, 2011

Betts Fireplace and Chimney Project, Day 6

10 courses of the firebox 'basket weave' liner laid.  Note how the front edges of the firebox radius protrude past the 8" faces of the fireplace opening.  This will deflect extreme heat away from the fireplace's permanent masonry elements.

Why the clay brick liner?

The purpose of the clay brick liner is an aesthetic one that is especially appropriate for traditional architecture.  Fire brick are precisely shaped units that tend to be void of variation, color and, to a degree, personality.  Technically, code doesn't require firebrick , but my inclination has always been to include it to provide a sense of security to myself and clients.  

But in the case of a rusticated hunting lodge, I prefer the clay brick for several reasons.  It provides a more natural, and earthy backdrop suitable to the fire it contains, as opposed to fire brick which can appear somewhat 'industrial' and look a bit cold to the touch.  The precise geometry and featureless uniformity of firebrick also seems to be mismatched with the blackening of the firebox — an inevitable result of creosote build up that comes from wood burning.   

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