Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Birthday

Katie took me to Cirque Du Soleil this evening. We had sushi afterward, and spent most of the meal talking about the kids because that's what we do even after jumping through so many hoops to get away from them for a "date night."  We are incredibly blessed and I know how important it is during good times like these to remember moments that were less so — moments that, in spite of great pain, prepared us and shaped our capacities for empathy and love.  It is my strong belief that any talent we might have for happiness is reflected by our experience with severe personal struggle.  

Yesterday,  while walking through the Decatur commons,  I made a detour to the "Fallen Officers" monument at the steps of the original Decatur Court House.  I do this occasionally and did in this case despite the cold.

Tommy Gober was a Dekalb Police Officer killed in the line of duty in the summer of 1980.  He was my Mother's first born and my half brother.  It's difficult not to the play the "what if" game now that I've landed with my own family in the City of Decatur.  Our home in Oakhurst is only a mile or so from this monument.

I go down town almost daily for Coffee or to meet with friends at Leon's, or the Brick Store Pub.  The monument's proximity is always a comfort.

To all the Police Officers out there, I would have to say thank you for your sacrifice.

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