Friday, March 4, 2011

Willow Decor features Peter Montanti's photography of the Pierce/Lee House

Photography of the Pierce/Lee House by Peter Montanti has recently been featured with Willow Decor.  This is the first time Peter's work has been shown with Willow.  Several years ago, he photographed the structural masonry house for a General Shale publication, and he did a wonderful job capturing both interior and exterior views of the dwelling.

More of Peter's work can be viewed at

The Pierce/Lee House was designed in 2001, construction beginning in the late Fall of that year.  Prior to ground breaking, we spent two months back in Tennessee milling the cypress timbers and lumber for the project and 9/11 occurred during this time — my generation's JFK moment.  It was a three year project that required a great deal of sacrifice from all parties involved, but more was gained than lost on many levels.  Four separate couples met and were married specifically because of this endeavor — this includes my wife and I.  Subsequently, all four couples have had two children and it's safe to say eight new lives exist because of the Pierce/Lee House.

We have also provided an extensive amount of photography which documents the chronology of the house during it's construction and completion phases; this is available on the website at

Willow Decor is a non-profit online journal, written and created by Gina Milne. The blog focuses on Gina's personal convictions about what she believes is pertinent to architecture.  Her critiques range from design to photography.

Go to to view the recent Willow Decor post.